intelligent use of naturally occurring processes in a controlled sustainable
and environmentally friendly manner to reduce energy consumption, clean up
pollution of water, air and land and to conserve natural resources.
filters are a type of constructed wetland commonly known as subsurface flow
wetlands. In the case of Rootzone Australia they utilise a special media unique
to the company which enhances the performance relative to other systems
commonly using gravel media. They can be either vertical filters or horizontal filters.

Vertical flow winery wastewater treatment bed Yangarra Winery 2013
A reed bed
is a live self cleaning biological filter. It removes disease organisms,
nutrients, organic load and a range of petroleum related chemicals and other
polluting compounds.
The breakdown of
contaminants and the treatment of waste water is achieved by the controlled
seepage of the waterborne pollutants through the root-zone of plants. Organic
pollutants are broken down as a food source for the extraordinary variety of
micro-organisms that dwell in the media and plants. Other contaminants such as
heavy metals are fixed in humic acid and cation exchange bonds in the soil or
mineral substrates in which these plants are rooted.

Oil Waste Treatment in Desert of Oman |
The complexity of microbial life forms and the powerful reactions in the
rootzone of the plants result in an extraordinary cleansing capacity that
adapts to change in a very dynamic way. Reed bed treatment systems comprise
self contained engineered ecosystems that utilise particular combinations of
plants, soil, bacteria and hydraulic flow systems to optimise the physical,
chemical and micro-biological processes present within the rootzone.
There are
two types of reed bed filter, Vertical and Horizontal. Horizontal reed bed filters are
used in low solids situations and vertical filters in high solids (sludge)
situations or as advanced treatment for very low solids but the design is quite
different for both. In some applications a combination may be used.
The design
of systems depends on the specific waste water or sludge characteristics and
the required level of treatment. Consequently each project is custom designed
according to effluent, flow rates and location. Some systems may combine with
the more conventional hi-tech approach.
Click Here for Photos of Rootzone Systems from around the world.