subsurface flow reed beds are able to remove a wide range of contaminants from
waste water. The progress of development from a haphazard natural phenomenon to
a designed engineering process has continued for around 40 years now and the
system enjoys worldwide recognition for its ability to offer low capital cost,
environmentally safe reduction of pollutants to low levels.
They look like this

And work like this

In particular wastewater from households, industries and other sources
in remote areas can be treated at low cost in this way.
Rootzone Filters have been constructed all over the world for such diverse purposes as wastewater from:
- Oil exploration
- Chemical laboratories
- Soap and pharmaceutical production
- Mining
- Metal plating industries
- Hospitals
- Hotels & motels
- Boarding schools
- Private houses
- Plus many more...
design is made to the specific requirements of the project, but standard
designs have been developed for more common applications such as domestic waste
the design the aim is to optimize the conditions for hydraulics and desired
microbial activities, hence through an integrated process of biological and
chemical activity, mechanical filtration and sorption processes to remove the
desired contaminant compounds.
The same processes as those
applied in conventional biological, chemical and mechanical treatment plants
are also used in horizontal flow reed beds.. The difference is that the
processes are integrated in a nature based design, which at the same time
delivers buffer capacity in the media volume, allowing the purification
performance to remain constant even in rapidly changing flow rates and heavy
rainfall situations. Naturally the energy consumption with this system is
negligible. The huge energy requirements for operating the aeration requirements
of a conventional biological filter are replaced by the solar driven power of
oxygen through the root system of the reeds. (Phragmitis Australis)
hundreds of such systems have been constructed worldwide in every climate from
the tropics to the north of Europe.
All our systems come with
performance guarantees.
Click Here for Photos of Rootzone Systems from around the world.